Friday, December 12, 2008


Welcome! This is a brand new journal completely dedicated to my TTC journey! I'm not sure what to say at this point really. I finished the first round of Clomid last night. I'm supposed to start testing with an Ovulation kit on sunday but I think I'm going to test tomorrow morning. My ovaries are starting to ache so I figure it couldn't hurt. We don't want to miss it! Of course J (my husband) just says we can have sex every night and then we're sure to get it. Ha ha He thinks he's so clever.

On the one hand I'd be beyond thrilled to start our family so soon but on the other I am petrified. See J's rationale is that considering my reproductive past, we should start now as it could take years. I agree with him, as does the doctor. I was willing to go the route of Clomid. I'm not sure what other avenues I'd be willing to try. I'm hoping the issue is that I just wasn't ovulating. I'm not sure how technical I can let this get. It's still supposed to be fun and I want it to be that way. So! Enough of that. Welcome again and I promise to try and keep this thing updated often with any thoughts, fears, and/or news. :)