I REALLY need to do something about this gut of mine...
I think it is time to blow the dust off the Pilates dvd's and give them a shot. Too bad they have been packed. I'll have to start once we are all moved in. Luckily that won't be too long of a wait...for exercise anyway, not lucky to be moving into hell house. I want to get a schedule going once there actually. I enjoy having the house to myself but in their house I have to be up earlier to do that. It's ok, I'll just get up earlier, shower, have my coffee/sit on deck in the sun with the pups and then organize some sort of exercise regime. I have to schedule some time to job hunt too.
Ok, that distracted me for all of 2 seconds. I'm 3 dpo and going bananas. I figure nothing will come of this cycle but I actually O'd and that IS something!
Time to go throw some clothes on. The husband will be home soon and we have to go get some bins at Walmart. Ahh what an exciting life we lead! LOL!
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