So the concert was last night and it was AMAZING! I'm not going to review it just yet as I am still kinda tired. I promise I will do it soon. In the mean time I have uploaded my photos to Face Book. Feel free to check those bad boys out!
So this next bit may be a little TMI for some. Remember I had started this blog about sex and ovulation and all that fun girly stuff. This cycle was my first charting my temps and trust me when I tell you they are all over the freakin place. I was having a dull ache yesterday and noticed I was becoming aroused by J more easily than normal. Of course the man can just sense it and therefore has to have We left later than anticipated for the concert because of him! Then of course he kept pawing me when we were getting ready for bed at 3am! He can be so insatiable sometimes! Anyway as I was temping yesterday and then today I noticed they had dipped just slightly. I thought I might use an ovulation test strip for the hell of it and lo and behold I got a positive! Of course telling J this just makes him try to drag me back to the bedroom. I have held him off for a few hours but bed time does I have lost some weight (about 15lbs) so maybe my bod is righting itself? Will this be the month? (Awful awful timing so it would stand to reason...) I have no answers but I can't help but get a little happy when I see a positive. It's kind of hard to explain. ::shrug::
I guess I'll test tomorrow and then I have the 2ww again. Oh Joy!
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