Saturday, January 31, 2009

Long time

Work has been kicking my ass...I am so freakin exhausted I never have time to update anymore! Sorry!!! Ok so where did I leave off?? Ah yes, the Endo visit was Wednesday. The Dr tried to tell me that he wasn't the guy for me to see. Ummm no... He said my thyroid was within the normal limits and then he asked if he could examine me. Guess what? My thyroid is enlarged. Hmmmm 

He asked if he could do a bunch f blood tests and I agreed. I have a follow up on the 9th so rather than drive myself crazy and speculate here I'll just wait.

Work is hard. I have an extremely demanding job and the other day I had my first peson call back specifically to yell at me. Then o try and shake it off I called another person to try and help them..they got nasty too. My hormones are so screwed up what did I do? Burst right into tears!! Talk about embarrassing!! No one blamed me of course as I am still new and this was the first time but jeez...people are so dumb. Overall it was just a tough week. Luckily they hired my assistant and she should be starting this week.

Last night I had dinner with Imommy. Had a good time, it was great to be out without the guys. This might have to be a tradition. ;) I'm also trying to get a karaoke night together as she has never been to a bar OR karaoke. Some of my girlfriends are down so I'll see about organinzing that...

Let's see what else?

Today J, mom and I went to Chipotles for burritos and then to the Museum of Science. Spent a few hours there and had a good time. Then we decided it is time to get another cat. I have heard/read that when you have an older cat and plan on getting another it can be a god idea to have their times overlap so the n00b can learn from the older one. So....that's the plan. If anyone knows of any kittens who need a home or young-ish kitties, let me know. We had dinner at one of our fave places, Floramos over in Chelsea by my mom's. Seriously huge portions, AMAZING food and great prices. Go there if you haven't.

Later we went to pick up some Blue Moon and discovered there spring ale is out, Rising Moon. It's ok, but I find nothing is as good as the original. there was also a beer tasting in the back of the local liquor store. FUN. We tried some things that were good and also some that should never pass through human lips again. All in all a day full of win. We just finished Get Smart off netflix and knocked back a few beers (I'm not pg nor am I even ovulating so I'm going to live it up!) and that brings me to this update. J is currently in our office on the big Mac (hehe I so went there) researching cars and prices because tmw we have an appt to go look at the 2009 ford focus. It's time for Baby to get a new car!! Sweet!
I'll let ya know how that goes. Now despite this possibly being TMI, I'm feeling a bit frisky and want a piece of my husband! Ciao!!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

It's up to you...

I must be out of my mind. I have been sitting down with the Director where I work to learn more about the business. I won't get better on the phone unless I know what goes on backwards and forwards. Well in chatting with Jay and learning the techniques he uses I have started to really think about what I want. Add that to J thinking of law school and where he wants to go I may have come to a conclusion. 

I want to go back to NYC.
I miss it.
I know why it was miserable last time, we didn't have enough money. NYC is not for the shallow-pocketed. But if we were both working, had a nicer apartment (read: ELEVATOR) it would be great! I work for a career management firm, they help people get into the jobs of their choosing and on average their clients make about a 30% salary increase. I have two choices, I either suggest they open an office in NYC or I hire them. J would love to go to Columbia for law....
We both do miss it terribly.
I wonder if this is just crazy talk or if this is actually feasible in the next few years.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Weekend Update

So it would seem that I have 0 time. I never update this thing anymore. I miss it. Sundays appear to be my only days where I think to myself:gee, I have a second to think AND type". I'm currently parked on the couch watching the snow an awaiting breakfast. My husband is making me bacon and eggs*

(by eggs I mean egg beaters...)
We've just finished watching season 1 of "How I Met You Mother". This show is hysterical, "legendary" one might say. I really should get up and start the laundry...but I figure I have time. Judging by the amount of snow that is falling and its speed, I'll be inside all day. So much for he gym. ::sigh:: If only I could muster the energy. 
I have my Endo appointment next week. Wish me luck! I'm nervous and excited all at the same time. I feel as though big things are happening. J is making decisions regarding law school, work is moving very quickly for me, I could be getting healthier by the end of next week...
So we shall see. Next Sunday I won't be so carefree. I have to attend a baby shower.

Yeah. It's for my cousin's fiancee(if they EVER get married. Not his first kid OR first fiancee mind you...) and one I feel extremely awkward because I have only met this girl once but also I'll be uncomfy for other reasons. SO I plan on lugging this large impressive camera and shooting all day so no one will see my face and gawd forbid any tears. 
It looks as if my brunch has arrived.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Perks of being The Wife

I'm sitting in my somewhat toasty living room this snowy Sunday morning with a small electric blanket tucked around my legs, a mug of hot coffee to my left and a purring cat to my right. Where is my husband? Out shoveling the walk, driveway, and rediscovering our cars. Why is he doing this? Well for starters, it needs to be done or no one will get to work tomorrow, but he's also doing it so I can go to the mall and purchase a pair of boots that are on sale. Why? He has a fear of me missing sales. Heh. Sometimes, it's good to be me. No, I did not ask him to do this, he does these things of his own volition. Good deal eh? What am I doing? While to the untrained eye it may seem as if I am loafing about this Sunday morn, I am in actuality doing the laundry. (which honestly, is like being out in the snow. The dryer is out on the porch, the NON-insulated porch.) In our house there are unspoken rules I guess you might call them. We have distinctly guys things and girls things. Laundry is a girl thing. Taking out the trash and the recyclables are guy things. Shoveling or any kind of yard work is also a guy thing. Cooking 99.9% of the time is a girl thing. Dishes are neutral territory now that I work too. I usually cook and he usually cleans. The litter box is just a me thing, he won't touch it. (Though he is aware that if and when he finally knocks me up he will have to be responsible for cleaning it. Poor Shadow...)

That's all I can think of right now for our chores.

In other news I was reading a TTC community where a girl asked if anyone had done a reading with Ruby.
Apparently she is a psychic with lots of success. She charges a bit of money for a reading. On the one hand I'm kind of curious but on the other (my more cynical,  skeptic side) thinks it is rubbish. I think that maybe since I am not getting ay answers with doctors, any answers would feel great about now. I would like to know when I'd get a bfp, that'd be sweet. Someone in the community purchased a reading, maybe I'll just wait and see if she is right...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Working Stiff...

I got a job! I'm the new Admin at R.L Steven's and Associates in Waltham. Check out their website.

Not bad huh?
It'll help pay the bills. ;) 
Shadow is NOT happy with me out all day. He mouthes off as soon as he hears my key in the door. It's cute in an extremely annoying sort of way. It's ok though, I miss him too. :) I do love that he begins to purr as soon as he hears me call him baby. So cute!

In other news there is still no sign of AF. I had some very minor pink streaking two days ago but a pt on the fly revealed another BFN, which I suspected. I wouldn't have tested again but when the tests are only a buck...what the hell right?
Still no Af signs. This is something to bring up with the Endo so I'm sorta glad I haven't gotten it. I hope I don't so he will see exactly what I have been dealing with.
Well, time for dinner. Heading to Fridays. Ciao!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Sad sad day...

NessaRose (Rosie)
June 2006 - January 2009

A couple of years ago J and I had bunnies. When we lived in NYC and had them plus a cat and a dog I realized that they weren't getting the best care possible. Bunnies should be only pets I feel, they require a TON of attention. So, it was with a heavy heart I found a loving home for my girls. A friend of mine in Brooklyn took them in. I went from mommy to aunt which was fine. :) I still got pics of them. I missed them but I knew in my heart it was best. Well, I got a note tonight that one of my girls, Rosie, had passed away. I'm beyond upset. My beautiful girl is gone. Her sister must be so upset. Elphie loved Rosie. Rosie was only 2 years old...that's so young for a bunny.
So here's to you Rosie, I know you are waiting on Rainbow Bridge.

Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone, that animal goes to Rainbow Bridge
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together
There is plenty of food, water, and sunshine and our friends are warm and comfortable
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again just as we remember them in our dreams of days gone by
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing, they miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind
they all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance.
His bright eyes are intent; his eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again.
The happy kisses rain upon your face, your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together...

-Author Unknown

Friday, January 2, 2009

Don't take this the wrong way....

but WTF?! Seriously, every woman who has commented on a post I made in the TTC community wound up pregnant this cycle. WTH?!

Waiting...tick tock tick tock

Ya know, when I started this blog it was solely for my TTC adventures. Now I think I have just grown away from my livejournal. I still have it and will keep it for the communities I guess, but I seem to have stopped updating it. Oh well. Maybe I just haven't figured out blogger yet, but how do I search for blogs relating to certain topics? 

Currently I am playing the waiting game. No, not about AF (though it still hasn't shown up and I don't have any symptoms. Maybe the hiatus has begun again?) but about a job. I had a fabulous interview on Tuesday and the asked me to come in again on Wednesday for a "working" interview. I actually got paid in cash for it! They also had me fill out a w-4 and an employee agreement because they are serious about me. They did have a few other interviews today as well as Monday. They are making their decision on Monday but I seem to be the candidate to beat so...yeah, playing the waiting game. I want the job but I am also extremely terrified of office work! I know everything is a learning experience and I am also well aware that I am intelligent and I can handle it but anxiety could be the death of me!
So readers, point me in the direction of some fascinating blogs and distract me from this waiting game!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Well this is the obligatory HNY post. 2009...jeesh, where are my flying cars already? I don't have much to say right now except that my trainer is evil and I am sore as hell. (Ok he's not evil...I like him but still, OW!!!) 

I'm not making any resolutions this year because I never keep them and I only wind up disappointing myself. So, here's to a year of new beginnings. I'm not going to diet I'll just be mindful. I'm taking control of my health too. No more doctor BS! Yay! 
Ahh dammit, those sound like resolutions. Oh well. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!

Happy 2009 Everybody (and by everybody I mean all 3 or 4 of you who read this blog hehe)