Saturday, February 28, 2009


invented white chocolate coconut coffee creamer is a GOD or GODDESS!! It's so good I don't think I even cared that it wasn't low fat. ::shrugs:: Well it is Saturday (for those who had yet to notice) and this Saturday my husband does NOT have his head in the toilet and I don't have a migraine (yet). It's a good day. Shadow has already supplied me with his urine sample for this week (good kitty) and Darwin is actually calm for the moment. J is in the office doing who knows what on the computer and I'm here enjoying my coffee. I'm trying to not stress and I think so far I'm doing ok. I have to make another doctor's appointment. My mother in law switched my PCP for me and now it's time to start it up. I'm feeling extremely uncomfortable since I didn't get my period this month either and I don't feel it coming. I thought maybe....but no. So that keeps my no blood for 09 streak going. Hot dog.

It's the last day of February today which means tomorrow starts the birthday countdown. 1 Month until the big 25. I told J I wanted to do something that we've never done for my b-day which would be see people but I think I may just be fooling myself. We have so few friends and I do mean the point where no one remembes my birthday unless I remind them, and now with the advent of facebook and myspace and those lovely reminders. Yay. Even still, it's on a weekday this year and I truly hate celebrating things on a day that they aren't so...
I may have just successfully convinced myself that celebrating my birthday is a bad idea. :) Go me. I wonder if that is a marketable skill. Speaking of which I need to figure out what my marketable skills are...

Enough rambling from me I am sure I am boring you to death. I should finish up this coffee and go take a shower.
Until next time blogger...


xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx said...

I'll be there, with bells on, biatch!

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx said...

.... OK maybe without bells.