Friday, May 29, 2009


He got in! In a few short years I will be Mrs. J Carnes Esquire!

Ok, I don't know if it actually works that way but I will be married to a Lawyer!

Congrats baby, you deserve it! I am so very proud of you!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Medical update

Got the results of the MRI and CT scan. I didn't realize these tests were being done solely to look for Cushings. I thought we had already ruled it out. Guess I was wrong. Well the CT was clean but they saw something on the MRI. Something they said could possibly be a microadenoma by the pituitary. For those of you who don't speak doctor, that's small tumor, benign. The recommendation was for me to have another MRI to get a closer look. So, guess where I get to spend my Sunday evening? Yup! Stuffed in a tube once more. *grumble grumble*

There may not actually be anything serious but I kinda hope they find something, anything to just get some answers! I looked up pituitary adenomas and lo and behold there are several types. One causes cushings and some of the others cause some of the symptoms that I have been having. Coincidence?  I don't know but damned if I'm not going to find out.

I also scheduled an appointment with a therapist for Monday. Here's hoping for drugs!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Long time no bloggy

I know I haven't written in what feels like forever. It's been a bit chaotic around here. J and I went away for a mini-break to celebrate our first wedding anniversary (will post pics when ever I find the camera/computer cable, or better yet, the camera...). It was absolutely beautiful out in Williamstown, MA. Our suite was gorgeous too. ::sigh::

We have been semi moved in with the in-laws for a few days now and it's not terrible but certainly not great. It's crowded. It felt better while J was still on vacation but today is his first day back at work and I miss him. Currently I am alone but my FIL will be home shortly, then my BIL and finally at around 7 my MIL and J (they carpooled). I wish everyone came home around 7, except J of course. I know it is only temporary but still...there are tears.
I wish we would hurry up and hear from Suffolk regarding J's application, our lives are kind of hanging in the balance until we have a direction. Let's see...what else is new? 
We had our visit with the RE and though I'm not her biggest fan I think she can help. J needs to schedule a semen analysis soon and I have to schedule 2 tests but I can't call until the first day of my period so I have about a month provided I actually get one next cycle.
I also called and made an appointment with a therapist. I need one, especially after having moved in here. :) I am going in on Monday. I'll let you know how that goes. 
Well I should get on with the un-packing. This is easier as most things go into storage. I'll post pics soon once I find that cable and camera...

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Giggle of the day

Dunno about you but I sure needed one this Saturday. First of all I should never be awake at 8:30Am on a Saturday. Second, the realtor said he'd be over at 12 and 1 with people to see the apartment. It's 1:26pm and he hasn't shown up yet. Fucker. Anyway, to the giggle!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I loathe paperwork...

I just finished a crap load of paperwork for our appointment at RSC next week. I need to fax the stuff over tomorrow at some point. Seriously, the questionnaire was like 10 pages long! With only 1 page for the husband..of course. WTF us women have such hell to go through before we even get to the stirrups! Argh!

Oh well. Now to go through all my test results and send the ones that should be seen.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I had a nice relaxing night last night. If this is PMS it is new to me, I'm actually not wanting J on the moon. I usually don't want anything to do with him when I am PMSing but I'm not moody at all and I'm due the 16th.

Last night we watched House, then Castle, then an episode of Angel. (I'm in love with David Boreanaz lately) After that we went to bed, snuggled, "snuggled" and then fell asleep. For me this was awesome as I don't sleep without pills and I have been trying to not take any meds just in case.
I had a crazy migraine last night too, well into today. I couldn't move or I was nauseous. I lasted until about 3pm before I took some aspirin.
I had my nurse Shadow on the couch with me. I had to remove the back couch cushions so there was room for him to lay in front of me and purr. ::shakes head:: He is too funny. That cat loves me about as much as I love him. :) I hope someday Darwin gets that lovey. 

Monday, May 11, 2009


We now have an appointment with a RE for Thursday the 21st at 10:30AM. A 2 HOUR appointment. Know what we were doing last year at that time? Waiting to meet with our photographer for our Honeymoon shoot at the Magic Kingdom. My what changes a year can bring!

So yes that is the latest. MRI this thursday, CT on the 19th, and RE on the 21st. I got a fun-filled week and half ahead of me. :(

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Ok so apparently I don't have Cushings and they think my symptoms lean more towards PCOS. WTF people, we already ruled that one out and even IF that is what I ACTUALLY have I can't fucking take the medication for it!!! I have been on Metformin, twice and you know what??? It makes me sick, extremely sick, so sick to the point that I can't even get up to the recommended dosage. WTF!? I think they are wrong....

Of course I am FINALLY being recommended to a Reproductive Endocrinologist. I'll call her office first thing Monday morning. I am sooooo irritated right now. J is telling me to relax since he figures stressing out right now won't help me get and/or stay pregnant. ::Sigh:: Trying to stay positive on that front as well.  

It's so hard...why does it all have to be so hard?


Somebody come pack for me! Er..uh, WITH me I meant...sure, that's it...pack WITH me.


Friday, May 8, 2009

I REALLY need to do something about this gut of mine...

I think it is time to blow the dust off the Pilates dvd's and give them a shot. Too bad they have been packed. I'll have to start once we are all moved in. Luckily that won't be too long of a wait...for exercise anyway, not lucky to be moving into hell house. I want to get a schedule going once there actually. I enjoy having the house to myself but in their house I have to be up earlier to do that. It's ok, I'll just get up earlier, shower, have my coffee/sit on deck in the sun with the pups and then organize some sort of exercise regime. I have to schedule some time to job hunt too.

Ok, that distracted me for all of 2 seconds. I'm 3 dpo and going bananas. I figure nothing will come of this cycle but I actually O'd and that IS something! 
Time to go throw some clothes on. The husband will be home soon and we have to go get some bins at Walmart. Ahh what an exciting life we lead! LOL!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


So this is what they call the 2 Week Wait?! I'm already on edge! This is gonna SUCK! I'm already all nerves...I just want this so bad. I guess I'm so anxious because I have never ovulated before and I'm really hoping it means something. I'm gunning for 2 more pink lines in 2 weeks!!! Send me baby dust people!! Or at the very least occupy me so I don't obsess (too) much.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Stay +

Another + OPK! I also have mild pains where my right ovary is. These are good signs! Wish us luck please!!

Monday, May 4, 2009


I'll warn you now, this post may be TMI for those who are uninterested.

You have been warned.

Back to my OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG! Why? Well for those of you who know I have been testing with OPK's for what seems like forever now and NADA. Not today! I tested and got 2 lines!! The same shade!

It's not the best photo in the world but nonetheless 2 pink lines of equal darkness! I was so stunned I snapped this pic with my phone and sent it to J, who promptly came home on his lunch break. ;)
I'm terribly hopeful that this means something good will happen health-wise.

It's funny...I did have a dream the other night that J and I had a little girl. I hate those dreams because they are always so real. But maybe it was a sign?

I'm going to try not to get ahead of myself. However, a positive OPK is a step in the right  direction and I'll take what I can get! :)


I'm not sure J should have told me this...

He says if he doesn't get into Law school this time around (Yes we are still waiting for their response) then we can just save for a bit and just look in NYC. Now I feel like an awful wife because I kinda don't want him to get in here...
I'm not that big of a bitch...he doesn't want to graduate from Suffolk anyway, it'd just be a stepping stone. So it's not a huge deal if he bypassed the stone and went for a school he'd rather graduate from, like Pace...
I just want to get away from here...
There's got to be more somewhere.

Which reminds me, I need to call the therapists. ;)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

No news is...

NOT good news, it's freakin annoying as all hell! (Had to get that out...)

I have yet to get the results for Cushing's and my Pcp didn't have them either. Greeeat. He said they were too slow so now I am scheduled for a Cat Scan of my abdomen as well as an MRI. Hooray! I also have to see the Diabetic nurse as I am pre-diabetic and we need to wrangle this...

Of course the pre-diabetic is due to the weight gain and the weight gain is due to the "couldpossiblybecushingsbutwedon'tknowbecausetheendocrinologistisslowerthanfuckinmolasses!"

I can't win. I asked my pcp to recommend a therapist of some sort and he asked why I thought I needed one. (Keep in mind this is the doctor of my husband's family, everyone in the family) I said I had issues dealing with all this as well as stress and my life was about to get a whole lot more stressful. He asked me how and I said that in a few weeks I'd be moving back in with my MIL. He smiled and said "Let me get that card for you.."


So that is where I am at right now.