Thursday, April 2, 2009

tick tock tick tock

I wonder if there is an age where you are supposed to hear your biological clock ticking. Not that I haven't been hearing it (hell I have wanted to have J's babies ever since I knew I'd marry him!) but now it is keeping me up at night! I'm supposed to ovulate this weekend...I haven't tested yet, I am planning on it tomorrow when I get up. I'm scared though. I have been feeling quite positive about myself reproductively lately. I got an actual period, blood work's been looking good, the ultrasound was clean... I took the Clomid. I am just really thinking this could be our month. (Timing would be awful so it would stand to reason...) I'm afraid to test because what if deep down I really know it will be negative. I should be getting a mail packet soon with all the info on my referral for the R.E so I am moving in the right direction..I just don't want to go through all this aggravation. Why can't it be easier? I see/ know too many people who wind up pregnant by accident who really shouldn't even be parents. I know I should be that judgmental but lets be honest here, some people should not be allowed to have children. Honestly, there should be some kind of examination you hae to pass in order to keep your reproductive rights and if you fail, sterilization. (Ahh if only I ruled the world, lol)

Oh well....some day.