Monday, December 22, 2008

Where it's at

Ok so here's where I am at. Still no ovulation according to all of my pee sticks. I'm trying not to be concerned about this. I'm also wondering if maybe I just started testing too early. Think about it, most cycles are 28 days, mine isn't. My Gyno was basing when I should start on a 28 day cycle. I never know when my period will show up so I can't really count. I'm usually way late if I get it at all so who the hell knows! Oddly enough at my last appointment (Dec. 3rd) I got my period, 2 days early!! I'm NEVER early. ::sigh:: So since I am not feeling any period symptoms and I also have not ovulated (or the tests don't work) I'm  kind of at a loss.

At least I can test all I want now for wicked cheap! I have been reading wonderful things about ovulation/pregnancy tests from Dollar Tree. Tests for a buck! Can't beat that! Seriously, 7 Target brand ovulation tests are $12-something. I can buy 7 single Dollar Tree tests for $7! AWESOME.
I picked up a few of each test today. I should probably refill my Clomid prescription. 
Christmas this week! ::Squee:: But sadly no Christmas baby.


Tara said...

If this month is a BFN for me, I am going to buy more Dollar Tree tests too. I mean - a buck - how can you go wrong?? And all the feedback on them is just as good as the brand name kits.

It's crazy because I got AF 3 days ealry on Dec. 3rd...and I am NEVER early as well. Looks like we've got them same cycle goin on, lol..

AKatC518 said...

huh, same cycle. Weirdness. I guess we were meant to be friends then. ;) Well, if we both get the same result this go round I won't feel so alone. We should test same day. ;)

Tara said...

I think I am going to test on the 29th. As long as my enemy AF doesn't pop in any earlier than that!

AKatC518 said...

Not going to wait until you are overdue? How come?

Tara said...

Well I can test with any early hpk on the 29th. My cycle is about 27 days (give or take).

I SHOULD wait until I am late. But I guess the bit of optimism I have left in me is pushing me to test early.

I am also a very impatient person, lol..

AKatC518 said...

Ohhh I get it. Per this blog entry I clearly have no idea of my cycle length, heh so yeah...I guess I'll just wait until I "miss" it.

Tara said...

What did mycycle say your average cycle length is? Or did you just start tracking this month??

AKatC518 said...

Just started this month

Tara said...

Ya, I just started using that site this month too. But I had been tracking my cycle on a calendar for the past several months because I am super forgetful. That just made it easier for me to transfer the info onto my chart.

And hey, a New Years surprise can be just as great as a Christmas surprise!! Hopefully we both will be able to bring in 2009 with some happy news :)

AKatC518 said...

I figure if it didn't happen this month (and since I never seemed to ovulate-though I am still testing in case I O late) I'll temp next go round as well and pay closer attention to my CM. This is still all very new to me so...