Wednesday, December 31, 2008

You ready for this?

::sigh:: It'll come as no surprise that today AF is due. I have no AF and no symptoms. One might ask if I am pregnant, after all, it IS possible right? Wrong!! I POS this morning and received a BFN. That would be the 2nd one for this cycle if anyone is keeping count. I'm saddened but I also think I have the reason figured out and that makes me Angry!!! You ready? This will be similar to one of my last entries only with more detail.

Back when the periods went on hiatus and my weight sky rocketed the doctors assumed I had PCOS. Not a test was done but I was put on Metformin. It made me sick, and I mean really really sick. Eventually an ultrasound was done and cysts were seen, so I was told. I lost health insurance and therefore stopped looking for an answer to my problems.. After J and I got married I regained health insurance and began looking for answers again. My period is still screwy (amidst a bunch of other issues) and I couldn't drop the weight despite valiant efforts. My Pcp as well as my Gyno tested my thyroid and both said it was normal. OK. Fast forward to Christmas Eve and a friend of mine is telling me that her daughter has similar issues to mine ( had trouble losing weight, sever mood swings, couldn't sleep, no sex drive and inability to orgasm, migraines...) The doctors kept telling her that her thyroid was fine. She sought an Endocrinologist and he said her thyroid was not normal and that Pcp's can't read the test results correctly. They lump in a bunch of numbers and call them "normal" when in actuality certain variations mean different things. Great.... Well anyway she was put on medication and everything has improved, she even lost 67lbs! There is a marked difference in her moods too. So I got curious and looked up Endocrine on Wikipedia. Check out the section titled : Table of endocrine glands and secreted hormones

EVERYTHING and I mean *EVERYTHING* that I have an issue with is connected to the Endocrine system. I never knew. I am livid that not one doctor I ever had suggested I see a specialist. No they just dismiss me. Honestly you people get paid way to much fucking money to dismiss people! I have been miserable for years when I could have been getting treated. I was miserable with how I looked on my wedding day because I knew in my heart it wasn't me and it wasn't my fault. I could have been getting help. I'm just so frustrated. It's also linked to ovulation...everything! 

My Pcp was fine with giving me the referral but the earliest appointment I could get with the Endo was January 28. I'm so impatient I want to start getting better now!

Thanks for listening. 


xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx said...

Well, the good news is that you have an appointment and you might feel better soon!

The other good news is that with a good lawyer and a winning malpractice suit, you won't have to worry about that job search!

... in all seriousness, sorry to hear that you've been suffering unnecessarily.

AKatC518 said...

It's just so frustrating!